Real Estate Property Descriptions That Work

Why Real Estate Descriptions Are Important

Real estate descriptions are one of the best online marketing tools for selling properties when combined with easy access to free or low cost listing services. Therefore, writing real estate property descriptions that work is hugely important whether you are writing for the residential or commercial… Continue Reading…

Why Real Estate Descriptions Are Important

Real estate descriptions are one of the best online marketing tools for selling properties when combined with easy access to free or low cost listing services. Therefore, writing real estate property descriptions that work is hugely important whether you are writing for the residential or commercial real estate sector.

Good property descriptions have been shown to increase sales by engaging customers at the initial stage of the sales process; property descriptions can lead to more leads and more visits.

Conversely, poor property descriptions don’t equate to prospects, meaning the time you spent on them is wasted as you do not see results. This leads to unhappy clients and a potential loss of business.

Things You Need To Know When Writing Real Estate Property Descriptions

Writing great property descriptions need not be a gargantuan task and with a few tips you can write effective, engaging copy that leads to sales. This can be easily achieved via planning and a time-effective editing process.

First, you need to remember that words are hugely important. Make sure you are using the right words to attract your target market; do not talk about good schools in a description aimed at single professionals.

Ensure that your writing is genuine. Sales language is far less effective than its more natural counterpart. It is a fact that many people are put off by hard sales language especially in the residential real estate sector; adopt a softer tone in your description and you will see results.

Also, do not obsess about what you are writing. Although you need to get property descriptions right, you will probably have to edit them down so don’t worry if it’s not perfect on the first sitting. Trying to make it “perfect” first time round can take unnecessary hours out of your busy day.

Perhaps one of the best tips for creating real estate property descriptions that work is to leave your description alone for 24 hours. This will save you time and guarantee that the finished product more engaging.

Things to Avoid When Writing Real Estate Property Descriptions

Although writing fantastic property descriptions can be an effective marketing tool, many in the real estate business get it wrong and end up creating content that does not represent the houses they are selling. It is not tough to write real estate property descriptions that work but getting it wrong can lead to a lack of leads if the property is poorly targeted or not engaging enough.

Do not exaggerate the positive qualities of the property. If the home you are selling is small, under no circumstances should you misrepresent this fact. Instead, find a different feature that the property does have to focus on.

Do not mention a bias against a particular group based on sex, religion, or race, this is a huge mistake and can lead you into murky legal waters.

Do not use jargon. One of the biggest issues with jargon is that most of the time your customers will not understand it. Remember your prospects are not real estate professionals so using jargon or buzzwords can really switch them off.

Do not use overly flowery, verbose language by ensuring that you are using concise wording that motivates people to buy. Addressing the customer directly by saying “you” will work far better than using a passive voice. People are looking for how your description will benefit them and motivational words will make that easier for them.

Make sure you do not undersell the property. Make a list of all the positive features of your property before you start writing and try and include as many of them as possible. A bland featureless property description will not bring you leads.

Make sure you use these guidelines to create real estate property descriptions that work for your real estate business.

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Sheetal Sagar

    Investment is good source for real estate. Many people invested in real estate for profit. In this blog given all information is very informative and useful. Thank you sharing such nice information.

  2. Lovely tips you got there. For me, real estate is a tough industry and your tips nailed them completely. Bookmarked on this and definitely coming back for more! Of course, keep up the good work too.