Content Promotion Is How You Grow Your Blog

Have you been trying to figure out why posting new content to your blog isn’t bringing any traffic in? If so, you should invest in content promotion for your blog.

Why Content Promotion Is Important

Promoting your content doesn’t mean that you will become a rockstar blogger overnight. In fact, the benefits… Continue Reading…

Have you been trying to figure out why posting new content to your blog isn’t bringing any traffic in? If so, you should invest in content promotion for your blog.

Why Content Promotion Is Important

Promoting your content doesn’t mean that you will become a rockstar blogger overnight. In fact, the benefits of content promotion are designed to improve your site’s positioning over the long-term. Content promotion should be a daily part of your content marketing routine as you write new posts.

Content promotion is the secret to growing your blog. tweet this

As you promote your content you can expect:

  • Audience Growth: Many of the top blogs have 100,000 followers or more. You might see a huge increase in the number of individuals that subscribe to your blog.
  • Automatic Link Building: As you share your content, and others share it as well, you will find that your SEO for your blog will improve as every share means a link back to your site.
  • More Leads and Sales: Promoting your content can result in more leads and sales for your business because you are demonstrating your expertise as an industry authority. Most customers carefully research solutions before selecting a vendor. Sharing your content will ensure that your content is seen by potential customers.

Share to Online Communities

Online communities can provide a guaranteed way of getting views and shares of your content. You should join forums that are related to your industry. Social media sites, such as LinkedIn and Google+ offer groups that you can join to share with others that might be interested in sharing with your content.

On LinkedIn and Google+, you should look for groups that are related to your industry. Make sure that you read the rules for posting content within the group so that you don’t get banned. You should answer questions and attach a link to relevant content from your blog.

Social Sharing Buttons

Your blog should feature highly-visible sharing buttons if you want to make sure that your content gets shared. Social sharing buttons are a prominent feature of many lead generation and social plugins for CMS.

Make sure that the solution that you use also provides a responsive option so that the share buttons are easy to click regardless of the device being used to access your site.

Share Your Content With Influencers

If you want the influencers of your industry to share your content, you must reach out to them directly. Consider emailing them or contact them via social media and asking them to review your post.

You can also search for similar content shared by influencers in your industry by using BuzzSumo and ask them to share your related posts.

Come up with your own creative way of doing this so that your request doesn’t come across as a copy and paste message that you’ve sent to just anyone. These people are typically busy and don’t have a lot of time, so you will need to make the share attempt worthwhile.

Mention the Experts in Your Shares

If you quote expert sources in your post content, you should make sure to mention those people in the shares of your content. You can also try leaving comments on the content that they’ve posted on their own websites with a link back to your post that mentions them.

These individuals will see that they have been mentioned and will possibly share your content as well. This is a good technique because it shows that you actually follow those experts and want to build a genuine relationship that provides value to both parties.

Set Up Your Business on HARO

HARO is a site that can get your brand featured in major publications, such as the New York Times. This service is designed to alert users when a reporter is looking for someone to interview.

If your skills and experience match what the reporter is looking for, you could find your content being quoted by a journalist in a major publication.

Re-publish Old Content

Just because your content is old doesn’t mean that it is irrelevant. Of course if the recommendations your post offers are outdated, you should definitely update the post before republishing it.

Republish old content alongside your old content can increase the number of visits to your older posts. In addition, you can also syndicate your older posts to other sites for more views.

Create Content Ads

There are many companies that offer the option to promote your content on other content sites. This strategy is also known as native advertising.

If you regularly read any major business sites or news sites, you may have seen examples of this in the related posts section of the content.

The cost per click on these types of sites is much lower in comparison to AdWords and can also bring a lot of traffic to your site. However, choose wisely because some companies have been accused of only promoting spammy, clickbait content. However, since this area of promotion is relatively new, things are evolving quickly.

Install Plugins That Do the Work for You

Depending on your CMS, you might have a wide-range of plugins available to help you promote your content. WordPress offers many robust plugins that integrate with some of the top content sharing apps in order to make sharing easy.

You can search for plugins here:

WordPress Plugin Directory

Finding the plugins that actually work and don’t cause site issues can sometimes be a problem. However, with the right plugins you can automate at least some of the work that is required to promote your content.

High Quality Content Is Just As Important

Content promotion is not a solution to ignoring the requirement for publishing high quality content. In fact, you must continue to create great posts while also promoting them. The 80-20 rule can be applied here as well:

Spend 80% of your budget on content promotion and 20% on content creation for the best results. tweet this

Do you want to learn more about the content promotion techniques that are most effective? Leave your questions in the comments below and we’ll answer them for you.

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